Oak Wilt Trenching

oak wilt trenching

Why trench for oak wilt?

Oak wilt trenching is used to help stop the movement of oak wilt, by severing root systems between diseased and healthy trees. Oak wilt is in the root systems up to 80ft from where you see active symptoms. Trenches must be cut at a minimum of 100ft from disease. This can make trenching in tight residential areas difficult to qualify trench paths as 100ft from disease can consume several properties. However, when oak wilt trenching is applicable, it should be considered. It is the only way to stop disease movement and can help protect other areas from being challenged.

What should you expect when trenching?

Success rates of oak wilt suppression trenches can depend on several factors. Trenches typically yield success rates around 70-75%. Most breakouts are attributed to deep root issues or simply from trenches being cut too close to disease. Trench plans and placement is critical as cutting too close to disease could end up with a compromised trench from the start. Other breakouts can occur do to lingering disease and delayed challenging of the path. This allows for regraft and eventual disease movement beyond the trench. Monitoring for root depth and flagging any potential problem areas for further excavation could also be necessary depending on the soil composition.

oak wilt trenching

What about deep root issues?

Usually, rock saws will provide adequate depth when trenching for oak wilt throughout Central Texas. When deep roots are a concern due to composition or past history in an area, further excavation can be utilized to help break root systems. Any areas needing additional attention can be dug out to depths of 5ft – 12ft depending on topography and composition. Initial trenches may be installed with a rock saw, with any problem areas flagged and addressed as a separate project.

Considerations with trench plans

When developing oak wilt management plans, all factors should be considered to help increase success rates over time. Also, if an oak wilt trench is put in place then there are more than likely trees left on the “bad side” of the trench. These trees will eventually be challenged by oak wilt. These trees should either be removed or treated. This will help minimize the amount of time oak wilt is in the area. Contact us if you believe your property may be in need of oak wilt trenching service. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns about the health of your trees.

Oak Wilt Trenching Services

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