Why Inspect for Oak Wilt?

We developed our inspection process to help provide an added layer of protection when purchasing or managing a property. Our pre-purchase property inspections for oak wilt can provide valuable information to a buyer about potential oak wilt issues and associated costs with managing oak wilt on the desired property. Comprehensive oak wilt inspections can also benefit those managing larger properties by identifying oak wilt threats and minimizing any losses due to those threats.

For buyers, our pre-purchase property inspections for oak wilt can bring valuable information to the table, especially those negotiating through an option period. Our inspections have helped identify significant losses on properties, as well as properties needing thousands in treatment & prevention services to manage the oak wilt moving forward. We have performed inspections for out of state buyers who were under the impression their trees were just dropping leaves due to seasonal changes, when in fact they had already lost 80% of the trees on the property. Luckily, these buyers received this information during an extended option period and were able to back out of the deal and look for a new property to invest in. It seems that most buyers, even those dealing with active oak wilt on the desired property, are simply told “oak wilt is in the area”. The oak wilt disclosure is often neglected due to a seller’s ability to claim ignorance in the matter. If you are investing in property in Central Texas, we recommend having a pre-purchase property inspection for oak wilt to better protect yourself from undisclosed oak wilt related issues.

Our inspections can also benefit owners by identifying any oak wilt threats on larger properties or properties that they may not be familiar with in-regards to tree health. By finding oak wilt early you can minimize losses through timely injections and possibly provide yourself with a trench path to limit the movement across a property. Ideally you want all treatment services to be preventative. Identifying oak wilt early can help time injections to protect surrounding trees prior to being threatened by oak wilt. A quick response can also allow you to enclose the infected area with a trench prior to further spread. Since trenches are cut 100ft from known disease, acting fast can keep this trench path from being pushed further out from a growing oak wilt center. You would obviously prefer to keep as many trees as possible on the “good side” of a trench. Inspections for those already owning a property may not provide much value in terms of negotiating a deal, but it could save you a lot of trees and heartache when dealing with oak wilt on a property.

If you have any questions in-regards to our inspection processes and how they could benefit you as either a buyer or owner, contact us for more information.

-Oak Wilt Pros

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