Oak Wilt Trenching

Oak Wilt Trenching Services

For larger properties, oak wilt trenching services may be the most efficient and cost effective way to deal with the threat of oak wilt. We provide oak wilt trenching services to help stop the spread of oak wilt by severing the root systems, stopping the spread through grafting.

The Texas Forest Service standard is to trench to a minimum depth of 48 inches to help ensure the roots have been severed. We cut to a depth of 52 inches to surpass this standard and help increase the success rate of our trenches. We will help identify oak wilt threats and develop a trench installation plan to manage the threats accordingly. With trenches being cut 100 feet from the infected area there are often trees left between that may require additional attention including preventative injections.

Do you have questions or concerns in regards to oak wilt threats to your property? Contact us to schedule a consultation and meet with our ISA certified arborist to discuss your options. Click Here to contact us today or find out more information about our services at oakwiltpros.com.

-Oak Wilt Pros

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